I was born in this wondrous city, and spent my entire childhood bouncing around it finally finishing out highschool in a much worse place known as Baltimore. I don't recommend it. As soon as I got a chance, I took off for the adventurous life of a Navy Sailor. Only to have the career I'd chosen for myself as a SEAL hopeful shot down a few weeks into bootcamp due to an as yet unnoticed slight color deficiency. Something that regardless of the degree is an automatic disbarment from the SEALs and the rating I'd chosen for myself (Gunnersmate). Unfortunately, I had already signed the papers, the Navy already had me in its grasp, and I showed promise in much more intellectual areas. So off I was to be a Cryptologist, it actually turned out to be something I was quite good at, unfortunately I still wasn't good enough to play my part in combat oriented positions of which I am not at liberty to discuss. So after a few years overseas and some time in a place so unimaginably horrible, the best adjectives are found in Dante's Inferno (Norfolk VA) I was out and free. Now I'm back in DC and already at a crossroads with my newly found career, yet again in search of direction.
So welcome to my life, as confusing as it seems (to me at least) hopefully you will gleam some small insight or greater truth from it. (God knows I haven't)
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